Saturday, 31 October 2009

Co-Movere / In Flight

Photo / Sound Installation

7a. Bienal Mercosul

Minha paisagem sonora "Jornada" faz parte do belíssimo projeto
Ao Redor de 4'33" / Radiovisual curado por Lenora de Barros.
Para ouvir, visite o site da Bienal e procure Radiovisual.

Prêmio Funarte Interações Estéticas

Meu projeto "Laboratório de Saberes Caiçaras" foi contemplado com o Prêmio Funarte Interações Estéticas-Residências Artísticas em Pontos de Cultura 2009/2010.Durante 3 meses desenvolverei um livro infantil e projetos visuais com o Centro de Cultura Caiçara de Iguape/SP.

Thursday, 17 September 2009


Commovere (Latin): To affect (from affection) arouse emotion/be moved by someone/something.

Co-movere: To move together.

Commotion (English): violent disturbance, upheaval, and political insurrection, disorder.

Como-vere: how to see it

Diana, George, Josue, Emmanuel, Bior, Deng, Simon, Dereje, Eric, Bijoux, Faustin, Faith, James, Ifa, Yak Tap, Jacob, Jackline, Adam… Five years of my life were shaped by sharing my daily life with people that had been forcibly displaced by war and conflict. Each one of these names carries the memory of a story, an anecdote, a disappointment, a smile, a moment together. Many of them shared their stories with me during intimate conversations over tea, prompted by my own personal revelations, others told their experiences and feelings through more formal interviews, written accounts or videos. With some of them I shared shelter, some sheltered me, a few of them got angry with some of my reactions, others laughed at my “so called” art, two or three asked me for things that I could not provide, others really got on my nerves. Living together in refugee camps, shelters or migrant ghettoes, people in all shapes, sizes and personalities; acquaintances, collaborators, students, flatmates, some friends, a lover. People that affected my life, whose lives I may have affected. Co-Movere is a very personal and intimate response to some of these people. Personal stories that resonate in my own story and echo in my own experiences and  in our common humanity. 

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

When I close my Eyes

03 lightboxes

+ 8 minutes soundscape (looped) done in collaboration with refugees living at Kakuma Refugee Camp/Kenya.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Bamako 07 @ Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

“BAMAKO // VII encuentro africano de fotografía. En la ciudad y más allá”

July 9th to October 10th 2009 
Casa África - c/ Alfonso XIII, 5. 
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain

New Video Project

3'30" Video for Blink -
in collaboration with Enio Ortiz

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Latest Published Book Covers

Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK 2009

SSA, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008


Getting back to old ideas...

the body is and is and is
and has nowhere to go.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Performance (Up)Rooted

Performace in situ com a performer Renata de Lélis dentro da exposição New Territories, Lisboa.
Figurino: Marisa Carboni

Site Specific performance with actress/performer Renata de Lélis at New Territories Exhibition,Lisbon.
Costume Designer: Marisa Carboni

(Up)rooted Video

Images from Lisbon

A exposição New Territories continua no Pavilhão 28 em Lisboa
até dia 09 de Junho.
A instalação (Up)Rooted ocupa duas salas da ala direita do antigo
hospital psiquiátrico.
O catálogo online pode ser encontrado no site:

Tuesday, 14 April 2009


New Territories Exhibit
At Pavilhao 28, Lisbon, Portugal

From 25.04.09 to 09.06.09

Initiated by: Ines Amado, Monica de Miranda and Paula Roush

Participating artists:

Ines Amado

Monica de Miranda

Paula Roush

Sandro Resende

Faisal Abdulah

Ansumen Biswas

Luisa menano

Jose Ferreira

Peter Dunn

Hospital participant

Marie Ange Bordas

Malgorzata Markiewicz

Dani Sotter


Wednesday, 14 January 2009

“BAMAKO // VII encuentro africano de fotografía. En la ciudad y más allá”.

“BAMAKO // VII encuentro africano de fotografía. En la ciudad y más allá”

24th February 2009 to 11th June
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Where to? Kakuma, Kenya, 2004